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Modern Mississippi Slide
with Luther Dickinson

Influenced by classic Memphis guitar, experimental psychedelic rock music, and regional hill country blues, Luther Dickinson developed a style of electrified, fingerstyle slide guitar that he calls Modern Mississippi. In this series of lessons, you'll play your way through 18 slide guitar performance studies that Luther presents across this highly informative, massively engaging curriculum!

69 video lessons7 play-along tracks

18 charts + tabs2.5+ hours of detailed instruction

Modern Mississippi Slide

About Luther Dickinson

Luther Dickinson is the lead guitarist and vocalist for the North Mississippi Allstars. He was born in West Tennessee to Mary Lindsay and Jim Dickinson, a Memphis record producer. Dickinson grew up playing concerts and gaining recording experience with his father and brother, Cody. The family moved to the hills of North Mississippi in 1985. Dickinson befriended the musical families of Otha Turner, R. L. Burnside, and Junior Kimbrough. They were the inspiration for Luther and Cody Dickinson to form the North Mississippi Allstars in 1996. The North Mississippi Allstars have been nominated for three Grammy Awards in the Best Contemporary Blues category.

In November 2007 Dickinson joined The Black Crowes. His recording debut with the band was on Warpaint in 2008, and he has since appeared on the 2009 Black Crowes release Before the Frost - Until the Freeze. Dickinson decided not to join The Black Crowes for their 2013 tour. Dickinson currently tours with the North Mississippi Allstars and as a member of the Southern Soul Assembly.

Guitar Lesson Topics

Modern Mississippi Slide

One String at a Time
Single String Melody: Up Over Yonder 1
More Rhythmic Approach: Up Over Yonder 2
Double Stops Harmony: Up Over Yonder 3
Slide Vibrato
Slide Harmony: Up Over Yonder 4
Octaves with Slide: Up Over Yonder 5
Improvising: Up Over Yonder 6
Modern Mississippi: Fingerstyle Muting
Harmonizing with Long Delay
Tallehatchie (Birds of the Moon)
Articulate Pitch & Lock Down the Thumb
Vocal Slide Approach: Let It Roll 1
Hill Country Slide: Let It Roll 2
Octave Slide: Let It Roll 3
Natural Feedback
Octave Jumping: Let It Roll 4
Chord Tone Focus: Let It Roll 5
Endless Boogie Finger Picking
Mean Old Wind Finger Picking
The Modern Mississippi Sound
Fred MacDowell Approach: Snakes in My Bushes 1
Junior Kimbrough Approach: Snakes in My Bushes 2
Mississippi Boogie
BONUS Section: Vocal Performances
Mean Old Wind Died Down
Up Over Yonder
Let It Roll
Modern Mississippi Slide: Course Wrap-Up & Next Steps

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What's In This Plan:

  • Video library of deep-dive lessons
  • Includes tablature and play-along tracks
  • Lifetime access to the course
  • Video Exchange not included
  • Desktop and mobile download versions with TrueFire’s advanced learning tools